8 SEO Strategies in 2020 To Rank On Google's First Page
8 SEO Strategies in 2020 To Rank On Google's First Page |
Hello friends, I'm gonna tell you simple SEO Strategies of
2020 through my entire SEO strategy. Step by step.
In fact, this is the exact strategy that I used to rank on
the first page of Google for competitive keywords, like on-page SEO, video
SEO, keyword research tools, and thousands of others. Now I should warn you.
This blog isn't gonna be a bunch of high-level fluff.
Instead, everything I'm about to show you is gonna be super
tactical and actionable. Let's face it, SEO can be hard, and it's even harder
when you read the same advice over and over again. You know the stuff I'm
talking about. Optimize your title tags. Share your content on social media.
Publish great content. Oh, publish great content. I didn't think of that. And
hey, this advice isn't completely useless but it's not gonna rocket your site
to the top of Google. Why? Because everyone with a website is following the
exact same advice. So to rank above them, you need to do something completely
different, which is exactly what I'm gonna walk you through right now.
Starting with step number one, find an opportunity keyword.
An opportunity keyword is like a regular keyword but better. I'll explain it. You
probably noticed that Google's first page is packed with more stuff than ever
before. For example, take a look at the first page for this keyword. You've got
a bunch of ads above the fold, a featured snippet, a question box, and news
results, which is exactly why now I focus almost 100% on opportunity keywords.
So, what are the opportunity keywords? Opportunity Keywords are keywords with a
high organic click-through-rate. In other words, they're terms that don't have
a bunch of stuff on the first page that distracts people from the organic
Let's look at an example. A while ago, I created a page on
my site optimized around the keyword SEO checklist. And as it turns out, the SEO
checklist is an opportunity keyword. Yep, there are a few ads on the page, but
that's not really a big deal. It's actually in a way a good thing because it
shows that people are bidding on that keyword in Google ads. Other than that
the first page is pretty clean which means the focus is on the organic results.
Nice. The bottom line, look at the search results before picking a keyword. If it's
packed with stuff, consider going for an opportunity keyword that's gonna get
you more clicks. With that, let's move on to step number two. Check out the
content competition. Okay, so you've found an opportunity keyword. What's next?
Well, most people whip open WordPress and start writing. But that's actually a
huge mistake.
In fact, that's what I used to do back in the day. I'd write
something that I think would rank in Google. Today, I know better. Today, I
analyze the first page results to see what's already working. In other words,
my content competition. And once I figure out the type of content that Google
wants to see for that keyword, then I start creating content. For example, look
at the first page results for the keyword paleo desserts. As you can see, the
results are lists of dessert recipes. So if you wanted to write for that
keyword you wouldn't wanna write a blog post like what makes a dessert paleo or
not. Instead, you'd want a post that lists out a bunch of recipes. How about
another example. One of my most important keywords is actually keyword
research. And back in the day when I looked at the content that was ranking for
that term, I noticed that they didn't list out tips or strategies for finding
keywords. Instead, they were all huge guides.
So I decided to create a guide that covered pretty much
everything there is to know about keyword research, which helped me crack the
top three for this super competitive term. With that, it's time for our third
step. Create content that's different or better. When it comes to creating
content for SEO, you have two main options. Option number one, you can create
something different. Option number two is to create something better. I'll
explain it. Most of the time you wanna publish something that's just way better
than what's already out there.
But sometimes it makes more sense to create something
completely unique. For example, a few months ago I found the opportunity
keyword mobile SEO, and when I looked at the content competition, I noticed
that most of the results were list posts like nine ways to optimize your site
for mobile. Now I could've created a giant list post like 150 ways to mobile-optimize your site, but that wouldn't make any sense. In this case, it made more
sense to create something different. So that's what I did. I spent two weeks
writing this ultimate guide to mobile optimization, and because my content was
completely different than what was already out there, it really stood out,
which led to tons of shares on social media, backlinks, and Google rankings.
Like I mentioned earlier, you can also just create something that's straight-up
better than what's already out there. For example, a while back I wanted to
rank for the keyword SEO tools.
And when I looked at the content that was
already ranking I noticed that most of them were lists of about 20 to 30 tools.
Now I could've created my own list of 20 of the best SEO tools, but I know that
that would just blend in. So I decided to create something way better.
Specifically, I published this complete list of SEO tools. Over 180 in all. It
took about six weeks to test all these tools. It was kind of insane. But at the
end of the day, that post did really well.
In fact, it now ranks in the top three for my main keyword
SEO tools. Which leads us to step number four. Add your hook. This is an
advanced SEO strategy so if you're new to SEO, you might wanna skip this step.
With that out of the way, here's how it works. You probably already know that
in general, pages with the most backlinks rank highest in Google. But how do
you get people to link to you? Here's a simple two-step process. Step number
one, figure out why people link to the content in your industry, AKA the hook. Step
number two, include that hook in your content. For example, last year I noticed
that more and more marketing blogs were publishing content about voice search,
and when I read that content I noticed something super interesting. Hmm, that's
interesting. When people wrote about voice search, they almost always cited
stats and data, and when they mentioned a stat, they linked to the source.
So I created a post about voice search that was packed with
bite-sized steps. So, how did it go? According to Ahrefs, my post has been
linked to thousands of times, and if you look at those individual links, most
of them reference a specific step from my post. Now data is one type of hook
that you can use. Here are three others that are working really well right now.
First up we have unique techniques. Think about it, what do blogs and news
sites love to cover? New stuff. And when you create something new, you've got
yourself a hook. For example, a few years ago I created a new strategy called
Guestographics. Because Guestographics was a new approach that no one had heard
before, my past that first talked about the strategy racked up a ton of links.
The next hook is to position your content as an ultimate guide. This is
actually one of my favorite hooks. Why? Because it's really straight forward. In
fact, when you publish a massive guide, your guide itself is the hook. Let's
take a look at a real-life example. A few years ago, I published this
definitive guide to backlinks. Now, in my opinion, this is the most
comprehensive guide to backlinks out there. In fact, the fact that my post
covers everything there is to know about that topic, is the hook. For example,
once in a while, a blogger will mention the concept of backlinks in their post.
But they're not gonna dive deep into a full explanation right in the middle of
their post. So they link to my guide as a way for their readers to learn more.
Our last hook is to include results from case studies in your content. In my
experience, case studies are one of the easiest hooks that you can use. And all
you need to do is feature one result in your case study. This is a lesson that
I had to learn the hard way. For example, a few years ago I published this case
study post on my blog. And this case study featured a ton of results. Some were
about traffic, some were about social shares, and other stats were related to
email subscribers. And all these stats meant that my case study lacked that
single hook that would make someone wanna link to it. And that's one of the
reasons that my post struggled to get links. On the bright side, I did learn a
valuable lesson from that post. If you want people to link to your case study
you need to feature one specific result. So when I published this case study
about a year later, I made sure to really zero in on one specific result. A
785% increase in conversion rate. And because that post has a single hook, it
gets linked to all the time. And now it's time for step number five. Optimize
your site's on-page SEO. There's a lot that goes into optimizing your content
for SEO. So instead of covering every single SEO technique on the planet, I'm
gonna focus on two strategies that are working really well right now.
The first
strategy is to use short URLs. When my team and I analyzed a million Google
results, we found a clear correlation between short URLs and higher Google
rankings. So if you're URLs tend to be super long, cut them down so they're
nice and short. Now to be clear, I don't recommend going back and changing your
existing URLs because that can do more harm than good. Instead, just make your
new URLs short and sweet. For example, my URLs are usually just my keyword or
my main keyword plus a word before or after it. Next up we have internal
linking. Yep, internal links still work, but you have to do it right.
Specifically, you wanna link from high authority pages on your site to pages
that you wanna rank. Those internal links will send authority to the pages that
you wanna rank, which can give them a nice rankings boost. For example, last
year I published this post on my site and because the post was brand new it had
absolutely zero authority.
So I went over to this post from my site that lots
of people had already linked to and added an internal link to my new post.
That's all there is to it. With that, let's jump right into step six. The
skyscraper technique 2.0. Now you might've already heard of the skyscraper
technique. A content marketing and SEO approach that went viral a few years
ago. Now the original skyscraper technique is pretty cool but it doesn't cover
something that's super important for ranking in Google today. Search intent.
Search intent is what a Google searcher is looking for when they perform a
search. And the better your content matches their intent the higher you'll
rank. Let's look at how this works with a quick example. When I first started
my blog I wrote this post about getting more traffic, and in general, this post
did pretty well in terms of social shares and comments. But no matter what I
did, it wouldn't rank for any keyword including my main keyword increase
website traffic. And one day it hit me. My page didn't match the search intent
for that keyword. I'll explain it. Most of the content on Google's first page for
increase website traffic was bite-sized traffic tips and strategies. In other
words, they were list posts. My content, it was a high-level strategy post.
People that searched for my keyword didn't want a high-level four-step process,
they wanted a list of bite-sized strategies. So I decided to rewrite my content
from scratch.
Specifically, I rewrote my content to better match search intent.
So I turned this high-level process into a 27 point list post. And this single
change boosted that page's organic traffic by 70.4%. Nice. With that, it's time
for one of my favorite topics, content design. In my experience, your content's
design can make or break your SEO. Imagine that you just wrote the best post
ever written, but it looks like this. Well, no one in their right mind is gonna
link to that page, and Google searchers that see an ugly page like that,
they're gonna bounce back to the search results.
That's why I
personally spend a lot of time, money, and energy on content design. I've
already mentioned a few of my definitive guides in this video. In my opinion,
these custom guides look really nice and they do really well. But each guide is
custom designed and custom coded, which makes them really expensive to make. So
if you don't have thousands of dollars to spend on every single guide that you
publish, no worries. Here are three simple ways that you can make your content
look awesome. First up, we have images, screenshots, and pictures. I use a ton
of screenshots and images in every post. For example, this single post has over
75 images. Next, you can make your content look nicer with blog post banners. Post
banners are those custom-made images that go at the top of your post. Now
sometimes I use a 220 by a 220-pixel image in my intro and sometimes I go with a
giant banner. Finally, we have charts and visuals. Not only do charts and
visuals look really cool, but they help people understand complicated stuff
from your post. And they don't need to be super fancy or expensive to work. For
example, in this article, I explain how every version of your site should
redirect to the same URL. Now it's kinda hard to picture this idea in your head
only with text. So I hired a graphic designer to make this simple visual. And
now it's time for our last step. Step number eight, build backlinks.
So you just published
an awesome piece of content on your site. A piece of content that has a hook
and it's also optimized for search intent. So what's next? It's time to build
links to that page. Here's how. First, use something called the content roadshow. This strategy is all about getting your content in front of the right
people. Who are the right people? People that run blogs in your industry. With
that, here's exactly how the content roadshow works. A few years ago, I wrote
a case study about the skyscraper technique, and to get the word out, I found
people that recently shared content on that topic on Twitter. And I sent each
of these people a personalized version of this outreach script. Notice how I'm
not being a pushy jerk face, I'm just offering to send them a link to my post.
And I sent this simple email to anyone that replied to my first message. And
this simple technique landed me a ton of social shares from authority bloggers.
Next, you wanna use broken link building. This strategy is
pretty simple. First, find a broken link on someone's website, then pitch your
content as a replacement for the dead link. For example, a while back I wanted
to build links to this giant list of SEO tools that I published on my site. So
I found broken links on marketing blogs and sent the people that ran those
blogs a simple outreach email. And because I helped the person out before I
even asked for anything, they were happy to add my link. Now before I end this blog,
it's time for a quick bonus strategy. Encourage comments and community. A few
years ago, a Google employee made waves when he said that comments can help
your Google ranking. Personally, I think he meant that comments and community
can indirectly help your rankings. For example, people that feel like they're
part of your site's community are gonna be more likely to share and link to
your stuff. Either way, I found a clear correlation between comments and
So how do you get more people to leave comments? One thing
that's really helped me is to reply to every comment that I get. I see lots of
people complaining that no one comments on their blog posts. But when I do look
at their blog, they don't even bother to reply to the few comments that come
in. The truth is if you wanna build a community on your site, you
gotta reply to comments. In fact, I just did the math on this. Last I checked,
we have about 25000 comments on the Backlinko blog. And about half of those are
me replying to people, and I have zero regrets about replying to so many
comments. Why? Well, these replies show that I care about their thoughts and comments.
Which turns random people into loyal members of the Backlinko community. So
that's it for my eight-step SEO strategy. Did you learn something new from
today's blog?
Now I wanna turn it
over to you. Which strategy from today's blog are you gonna use first? Are you
gonna try broken link building? Or maybe you're ready to start replying to
comments. Let me know by leaving a comment below right now.
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